

Some codes and packages that I developed (or helped to develop) are accessible from my GitLab and GitHub accounts. I also designed and developed (with my colleagues and students) several interactive web applications with Shiny available here.




AHIA is a project in which I developed a web interactive application to visualize socio-ecological interactions at different scales in 16 case studies across Europe. [paper][viz]


APMC proposes an implementation in R of several Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) algorithms. [paper]


Biblio-TETIS contains all the material needed to extract the co-publication network of UMR TETIS and run the associated web interactive application. [viz]


Biogeographical-network-analysis proposes several tools and metrics to identify and characterize the biogeographical structure of a region. [paper][package][viz]


Coauthorship-network is a short project that aims to create and visualize a coauthorship network with R.


Flickr is a short project I worked on to automate Flickr queries using the Flickr API from R and Selenium from Python to automatically send messages to a list of Flickr contact through a contact form from your Flickr account.


GIS-MCDA-OWA proposes a methodology based on an efficient exploration of the decision-strategy space defined by the level of risk and trade-off in GIS-MCDA with OWA. [paper]


Inkscape-presentation is a python script that generates a pdf presentation based on the layer(s) contained in a Inkscape svg file.


Intersectionality proposes several tools and metrics to explore mismatch in hourly population profiles of French districts for gender, age and educational groups from an intersectional point of view. [paper][viz]


KML-movie-Python proposes a Python script to plot trajectories over time on Google Earth.


Map-potential-paths proposes a method to map potential paths for livestock movements by combining information contained in livestock mobility networks with landscape connectivity based on land use and land cover features. [paper]


Mismatch-connectivity proposes a method to reclassify and compare connectivity maps. [paper]


Mobile-service-diversity proposes a method to map the diversity of mobile service usage and its relation with land use in cities. [paper]


Most-frequented-locations is a project written in Python to extract Most Frequented Locations from individual spatio-temporal trajectories. [paper]


OWA-weights-generator develops a method to automatically determine ordered weighted averaging (OWA) weights using truncated distributions. [paper][viz]


Plant-spectral-diversity proposes a method to compare and to combine in situ and remote sensing data to measure the diversity of plant and spectral species in France. [paper]


Sample-bias-correction-SDMs proposes a method to assess the effect of sample bias correction in Species Distribution Models. [paper]


Trip-distribution-laws-and-models is a project written in Java that proposes several methods to generate spatial networks with different types of Spatial Interaction Models. Several goodness-of-fit measures are also proposed to compare estimated and observed networks. [paper][package]


Vessel-trip-from-path is a project written in Python to extract and aggregate trips from spatio-temporal individual trajectories.


XS is a project written in R which aims at generating a set of Origin-Destination matrices (OD) based on individual mobility flow information.




bioregion is an R package develop to analyze and compare several methods of bioregionalisations. [paper]

TDLM is an R package develop to perform systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models. [paper]


Interactive web applications


Bibliometric analysis of the TETIS laboratory is a web interactive application providing a bibliographic analysis of publications (journal articles and conference papers) from the UMR TETIS between 2016 and 2024. The data have been harvested from Google Scholar. [code]


Biogeographical network analysis of plant species distribution in the Mediterranean region is a web interactive application designed to provide an easy-to-use interface to visualize multiscale biogeographical structures of plant species distribution in the south of France. It was developed as part of a research project funded by the French National Research Agency through the Netcost Young Researchers project and by the French Ministry for an Ecological and Solidary Transition. [paper][code]


Generating OWA weights using truncated distributions is a web interactive application to automatically determine OWA weights according to a certain level of risk and trade-off. [paper][code]


Intersectionality approach of everyday geography is a web interactive application designed to provide an easy-to-use interface to visualize the gender-, age- and educational-based mismatch in hourly population profiles at district level in France. It was developed in the framework of the Mobiliscope project. [paper][code]


Multiscale socio-ecological networks in the age of information is a web interactive application designed to provide an easy-to-use interface to visualize socio-ecological interactions at different scales in 16 case studies across Europe. It was developed as part of a research project funded by the ALTER-Net network through the AHIA funding instrument. [paper][code]




My personal academic website made with Jekyll based on the Hyde theme.


Website of the NetCost project made with Jekyll based on the Jackal theme.